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2021 has been a very big and challenging year for many. Most of the leaders I interact with are just trying to make it to the finish line and have a well-earned rest. While that’s entirely understandable, I’d encourage you to do one more thing before you consign this year to history.

Notwithstanding all of the heartache, 2021 has forced the development of new leadership muscles in many of us. If you take a little time to reflect on that journey with your team, then you can create an empowering sense of meaning for the year just gone, and increase your sense of optimism and energy for the year ahead.

I’ve just done it with my team, and participated in several conversations with client teams. The outcomes have been inspiring end energizing for all. If you can’t pull your team together before the holidays, then you can do this exercise with team members one-on-one. The best part is, it’s super simple to execute.

Just ask your team members to reflect on five questions;

  1. What is your greatest achievement over this year?
  2. What is the most important thing you learned this year?
  3. What is the single biggest shift you’ve made as a leader this year?
  4. With whom have you built a stronger relationship this year?
  5. What are you most proud of as you reflect on this year?

That’s it. Simple, but hopefully very impactful.

Thanks for reading my blogs in 2021 and for being part of this wonderful community of purposeful and passionate people. I wish you and your loved ones a very safe, happy and restful festive season and look forward to re-engaging with you in 2022.

I’ll be taking a break from the blog during January, but will continue to post daily bite-sized leadership insights and inspiration to Instagram, right throughout the holidays. You can get access to them by following me here.

Happy holidays (when you get there).

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