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Organisations don’t change, people do, and leaders must go first. There is no business growth without leadership growth. There is no business transformation without leadership transformation.

In 20+ years of doing this work, I have never, ever, seen an organisation outgrow its leaders. For better or worse, whether it excites you or terrifies you, your leadership is the possibility and the limitation on your organisation. How leaders encourage their people to behave is at the root of every success or failure.

You can have a great strategy, a great structure, and great systems, but your leadership represents the accelerator or the handbrake for every aspiration you have.


“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.” – General Erick Shinseki

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves.” – Leo Tolstoy


  • How well do you model the changes you desire from others?
  • What behaviour do you motivate and encourage in your people?
  • Do you represent the possibility or the limitation for your organisation?

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