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Big goals are great, but small wins are essential. The endorphin hit that comes from ticking something off your list puts a spring in your step and fuel in your tank.

There is a pattern among all of the high achievers I’ve worked with over the years; they are quick to beat themselves up when they fall short, but slow to recognize their achievements when they succeed.

Of course, this tendency is one of the things that makes them high-achievers in the first place. “Job done, tick it off, what’s next?” Unfortunately, it’s also the same thing that tends to feed their stress and frustration and ultimately, burn them out.

The best way to achieve big success, is to pay attention to all of the little successes along the way.


“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

“Little drops of water make the mighty ocean.” – Julia Carney


  • How much attention do you pay to your ‘little successes?’
  • How often do you praise the little successes of those you lead or love?
  • What rituals can you put in place to recognize little successes in the future?

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