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Paul Foster (book)


“For me Leadership Transformed is one of those rare gems, the type of business book I love to read. The content is original, the style and language accessible, and it’s loaded with real stories told by real leaders, rather than fabricated fables with one dimensional characters. As an executive I’ve been a student of leadership for over 20 years, yet I was struck by the remarkable honesty and humanity of the author’s subjects – senior executives and CEOs. This was both confronting and compelling in a way that encouraged me to reflect on my own work and personal life. Not every reader will relate to every situation or struggle, however each story is instructive, and I found significant parallels in my own experiences and circumstance. For these reasons I actually cared about the leaders in the book, and this was enhanced by the personal narrative we are given access to. The seven metaphors around which the chapters are structured unfold to offer insight as well as practical recommendations into how to accelerate my own effectiveness as a leader, even after my years of practice. I guess that’s why Fuda speaks of the generative nature of metaphors. This is a book I will pass on to my team, and highly recommend to anyone interested in self-improvement with the courage to look within.”

Paul Foster, MD, George Weston Foods

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