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In my last blog “Leadership mindset part 1” I shared five dimensions that leaders exhibit when they choose growth over self-protection. In this blog, I’ll share an additional five dimensions that leaders exhibit when they choose contribution over self-interest.

If you are choosing to grow and contribute every day, then it’s very likely that you’re leading, regardless of your title and positional authority. Conversely, if you are choosing self-protection and self-interest every day, then it’s highly unlikely that you’re leading, no matter how impressive your title is.

Reflect on the following five dimensions;

  1. Do you take the initiative or wait for directions? By definition, if you are waiting for directions, you’re following. To lead is to demonstrate initiative every day in the quest to solve problems and make an impact for those you serve.
  2. Do you architect solutions or get stuck in the problem? To lead is to spend minimal time whining and complaining, and maximum time plotting, planning, and pursuing a better outcome.
  3. Do you collaborate with colleagues or compete with them? Internal competition is fueled by insecurity and a scarcity mindset, neither of which is helpful to leadership. To lead is to collaborate with colleagues in order to maximize the collective impact on those you serve.
  4. Do you embrace accountability or resist it? To lead is to love accountability, especially when the stakes are highest. To resist, avoid or shrink from accountability is the opposite of leadership.
  5. Do you prioritise the enterprise agenda or your agenda? To lead is to prioritise the collective agenda over your personal agenda. It means that you share your time and resources with colleagues, in pursuit of collective success.

Leadership starts with your mindset and if you want to lead, choosing contribution over self-interest is essential. In the end, those who contribute the most win.


“Be not simply good; be good for something.”- Henry David Thoreau

“It’s not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised, the mosquito is swatted.” – Mary O’Connor


  • On reflection, are you predominantly focused on contribution or self-interest right now?
  • In which of the five dimensions do you need to make a change?
  • What is one action that you are committed to?

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