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It’s very likely that you know someone in a position of authority whom you would not consider to be a leader. It’s also very likely that you know someone who leads every day without any formal authority at all. That’s because first and foremost, leadership is a mindset not a position. Anyone can lead, from anywhere, at any time, in any context, including you.

In the first instance, adopting a leadership mindset means that you choose growth over self-protection. Reflect on the following five dimensions;

  1. Do you stretch yourself or stay in your comfort zone? To lead is to embrace discomfort and stretch yourself in order to develop “new leadership muscles”, realize new opportunities, and model what’s possible for others. As the cliché goes, a ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.
  2. Do you initiate change or resist change? If your goal is to maintain the status quo, you’re not leading. To lead is to constantly look for opportunities to make things better and to make yourself better.
  3. Do you seek the best answers or try to show that you have all the answers? To lead is to be a ‘learn it all’ not a ‘know it all’. It means you’re driven by a desire to find the best available answer – from wherever or from whomever it comes – not to try and demonstrate your superiority over others.
  4. Do you try to perfect your craft or try to project an image of perfection? Perfectionism is underpinned by insecurity and focused on looking good not doing good. To lead is to embrace your imperfections and focus on getting a little better every day.
  5. Do you seek feedback or resist feedback? To lead is to actively seek feedback at every opportunity. When you choose to lead, feedback is just information that can be used – or not – to accelerate you towards your goals.

Leadership starts with your mindset and if you want to lead, choosing growth over self-protection is a must.


“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.” – Andy Rooney

“Each person must live their life as a model for others.” – Rosa Parks


  • On reflection, are you predominantly focused on growth or self-protection right now?
  • In which of the five dimensions do you need to make a change?
  • What is one action that you are committed to?

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