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The metaphor of the ‘burning platform’ is perhaps one of the most pervasive in business. It comes from the true story of Andy Mochan, a worker on the Piper Alpha oil rig when it exploded in July 1988, tragically killing 167 of his colleagues. Mochan survived this unimaginable catastrophe by jumping 150 feet into freezing cold water, before being picked up by a rescue boat. When asked why he jumped, he replied, “Better probable death than certain death.”

Those who champion the burning platform metaphor in business intend it to convey a sense of urgency and commitment to change. Unfortunately, the mental picture most people create when they hear this metaphor involves fear and anxiety, not commitment. Anxiety is the single most contagious human emotion; it encourages numerous physical and psychological outcomes, none of which are conducive to positive change.

If you want to encourage meaningful change and sustainable performance in your team, trade your burning platform for a ‘burning ambition’. Articulate what brilliant looks like and why you believe in the ability of your people to get there. It’s more sustainable for you and your team to move towards something you want, rather than to run away from something you fear.


“Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.” – Frank Tyger

“When your ambition is greater than your fear, your life will get bigger than you dream.” – Farshad Asl


  • How much do you emphasise fear-based motivations for change versus desire-based motivations?
  • How clear are you on your burning ambition?
  • How well have you communicated your burning ambition to your team?

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